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Isolation is not good for business

Hull has always been different and this is by no means a criticism. We must celebrate diversity and difference, it’s what makes us culturally rich however points of difference should be communicated, debated and argued in democratic society even if concession and compromise result. And it is through this discussion and debate that ideas are formed, circulated and agreed upon. Sounds sensible doesn’t it?

Hull Gamer

Gaming. From the iPhone, to Xbox 360, gaming is still big news (and we’re looking forward to Call of Duty Black Ops and Medal of Honour Tier One coming out this autumn!). We recently caught up with Gavin Borthwick from the up and coming site, Hull Gamer. “HullGamer plans to bring together the gamers of […]

The future of magazines

“Magazines have articles you can curl up with and lose yourself in, and luscious photography that draws the eye. And they’re so easy and enjoyable to read. Can we marry what’s best about magazines with the always connected, portable tablet e-readers sure to arrive in 2010?”

Microsoft Partner Apprenticeship

Digital 20/20 is a partnership initiative involving representatives of both the public and private sectors, with an Action Plan focused on helping everyone in the Region to acquire skills that will allow them to get more out of life and work in the digital age. It also addresses the specific IT and specialist skills needed […]