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Are you backing Kickstarter?

I’m loving Kickstarter, and yet, have only really been aware of it since last year. It’s been a around a little longer – Kickstarter was founded in April 2009 by Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler, and Charles Adler and is probably the best example of crowd sourced funding on the web. What is Kickstarter? Kickstarter is a […]

Success for Incentive Maker

Local developer and Hull Digital Developer Group Organiser John Polling is showing the way with cloud-based development. This is a fascinating guest post by him… read on! “The cloud” is a wonderful place for developing your own products It’s been just over 6 months since the Beta launch of Incentive Maker, a web based product […]

We love Fudge Restaurant

Fudge Restaurant has been a local neighbourhood favourite in Princes Avenue, Hull, East Yorkshire for the past 6 years, and we are very fond of them too! A small independently owned restaurant with a passionate team (known to the regulars as Team Fudge!) the restaurant has an addictive personality, a friendly feel and is driven […]

Moving on from MobileMe

I was a MobileMe user up until about eighteen months ago. I used it for syncing calendar entries, addresses and email between my iPhone, Desktop and Laptop. Largely, it all worked pretty well, though there were a few things that I thought felt dated. The major issue however, was that every few months something ‘weird’ would happen…