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Meetup time!

HDLive is back for 2012!

I’m delighted to announce that HDLive is back and better than ever for 2012. For more information, just head on over to our new home for this year. A huge thanks must go to Rob Palmer for the amazing work on the site – thanks Rob! Also, I’m very pleased to say that the John […]

TEDx Hull

This is terrific news and looks like to be a superb event. It’s being organised by John Royle who has done a great job of getting together the speakers (check them out here). The first ever TEDxHull event will be held at the Hull Truck Theatre with the themeBeyond Limits. Take a look at our amazing […]

Hull Digital Breakfast MeetUps

I’ve been wanting to get something in the diary, a regular meetup, organised for a while, and I’m pleased to say that this is now in place! From January 27th onwards, the last Friday of every month, at 10.30am at Fudge, we will getting together to hang out, chat, hear about new stuff and enjoy […]